Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025,2026,2027,2028,2029,2030 Moneycontrol

In this article we see the Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025,2026,2027, 2028,2029,2030 Moneycontrol. And we also try to learn how we check the fundamental of Jk Tyres Stocks or any other stocks in very simple steps.

Today JK Tyres Share Price Opening at ₹424 and the closing price of JK Tyres Share Price is also ₹425. The JK Tyres Stocks touches the upper limit of ₹ 509 . And the lower Limit of JK Tyres Stocks is ₹339. And the total market capital of the JK Tyres Stocks is ₹10,808. Now we do compare of the stocks Prediction price of JK Tyres Share on the basis of financial year. So you can check it now carefully lets move on to the price Prediction of Jk Tyres Share Price. Readmore Moneycontrol and wallet invester.com.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2024 The closing price of JK TYRES SHARE stood at ₹429.183, reflecting a 0.88% increase from the opening price. The closing price of JK TYRES SHARE stood at ₹429.183, reflecting a 0.88% increase from the opening price.

JK Tyres share price Target 2025 opened at ₹488.953, reaching a high of ₹501.390 and a low of ₹488.953.Closing at ₹502.251, the stock showed a positive change of 2.48%.

vikas Lifecare Share price history 2025,2026,2027,2028,2030

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025,2026,2027,2028,2029,2030 Moneycontrol
Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025,2026,2027,2028,2029,2030 Moneycontrol

Fundamental of Jk Tyre Share Price

Previous Close₹424.20
UC Limit₹509.00
LC Limit₹339.40
Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.)₹10,808
20D Avg Volume736,857
20D Avg Delivery0
TTM EPS Trend₹27.82
(+252.59% YoY)
TTM PE Trend₹14.90
(Average PE)
P/B Trend₹3.18
(High P/B)
Sector PE53.03
Book Value Per Share₹130.37
Face Value₹2
Dividend Yield0.48

Fundamental of Jk Tyre Share Price (Summary)

  • Market Data:
  • Jk Tyre Share Price Opening at ₹424.00 and closed at ₹424.20.
  • Upper Circuit (UC) Limit of Jk Tyre Share Price : ₹509.00.
  • Lower Circuit (LC) Limit of Jk Tyre Share Price: ₹339.40.
  • Volume traded: 417,867 shares.
  • Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP): ₹420.79.
  • Market Capitalization: ₹10,808 crores.
  • Trading Statistics:
  • 20-day average volume: 736,857 shares.
  • 20-day average delivery: 0 shares.
  • Beta: 1.02 (indicating slightly above average volatility).
  • Earnings and Valuation Trends:
  • Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) EPS Trend: ₹27.82 (+252.59% Year over Year).
  • Fundamental Metrics:
  • Book Value Per Share: ₹130.37.
  • Face Value: ₹2.
  • Dividend Yield: 0.48%.
  • Profitability and Cash Flow:
  • Price-to-Cash (P/C) ratio: 9.55.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2024

May 2024₹424.539₹428.305₹424.191₹429.1830.88% ▲
June 2024₹428.761₹435.720₹428.761₹436.3211.6% ▲
July 2024₹436.893₹447.927₹436.893₹447.9272.46% ▲
August 2024₹448.604₹453.623₹448.001₹454.2051.11% ▲
September 2024₹455.026₹464.824₹455.026₹464.8242.11% ▲
October 2024₹465.468₹474.923₹465.458₹474.9231.99% ▲
November 2024₹474.225₹479.973₹474.225₹480.5311.2% ▲
December 2024₹481.376₹488.699₹481.376₹488.6991.5% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2024 (Summary)

  • May 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹424.539, hitting a high of ₹428.305 and a low of ₹424.191.
  • The closing price of JK TYRES SHARE stood at ₹429.183, reflecting a 0.88% increase from the opening price.
  • June 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price began the month at ₹428.761, reaching a high of ₹435.720 and a low of ₹428.761.
  • Closing at ₹436.321, the stock registered a 1.6% increase from the opening price.
  • July 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹436.893, peaked at ₹447.927, and bottomed at ₹436.893.
  • Ending the month at ₹447.927, the stock saw a notable 2.46% increase from the opening price.
  • August 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹448.604, hitting a high of ₹453.623 and a low of ₹448.001.
  • Closing at ₹454.205, the stock recorded a 1.11% increase from the opening price.
  • September 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹455.026, reaching a high of ₹464.824 and a low of ₹455.026.
  • Closing at ₹464.824, the stock showed a significant 2.11% increase from the opening price.
  • October 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price initiated at ₹465.468, reaching a high of ₹474.923 and a low of ₹465.458.
  • JK TYRES SHARE PRICE Closing at ₹474.923, the stock witnessed a 1.99% increase from the opening price.
  • November 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹474.225, peaked at ₹479.973, and touched a low of ₹474.225.
  • Ending the month at ₹480.531, the stock saw a 1.2% increase from the opening price.
  • December 2024:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹481.376, hitting a high of ₹488.699 and a low of ₹481.376.
  • Closing at ₹488.699, the stock marked a 1.5% increase from the opening price.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025

January 2025₹488.953₹501.390₹488.953₹502.2512.48% ▲
February 2025₹501.686₹501.132₹501.064₹502.274-0.11%▼
March 2025₹501.079₹499.910₹497.846₹501.368-0.23%▼
April 2025₹500.672₹505.254₹500.672₹505.3170.91% ▲
May 2025₹505.678₹509.077₹504.860₹509.9610.67% ▲
June 2025₹509.495₹517.351₹509.495₹517.3511.52% ▲
July 2025₹518.085₹529.002₹518.085₹529.0022.06% ▲
August 2025₹528.424₹534.027₹528.424₹534.6361.05% ▲
September 2025₹535.360₹546.037₹535.360₹546.0371.96% ▲
October 2025₹546.177₹554.768₹546.011₹555.4441.55% ▲
November 2025₹555.669₹560.345₹555.669₹560.9180.83% ▲
December 2025₹561.724₹569.385₹561.724₹569.3851.35% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2025(Summary)

  • January 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹488.953, reaching a high of ₹501.390 and a low of ₹488.953.
  • Closing at ₹502.251, the stock showed a positive change of 2.48%.
  • February 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹501.686, with a high of ₹501.132 and a low of ₹501.064.
  • Jk Tyres Share price Closing at ₹502.274, the stock experienced a slight decrease of -0.11%.
  • March 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹501.079, with a high of ₹499.910 and a low of ₹497.846.
  • JK tyres stocks Closing at ₹501.368, the stock saw a decrease of -0.23%.
  • April 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹500.672, reaching a high of ₹505.254 and a low of ₹500.672.
  • Closing at ₹505.317, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.91%.
  • May 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price target 2025 started at ₹505.678, peaked at ₹509.077, and touched a low of ₹504.860.
  • Closing at ₹509.961, the stock showed a positive change of 0.67%.
  • June 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹509.495, reaching a high of ₹517.351 and a low of ₹509.495.
  • Closing at ₹517.351, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.52%.
  • July 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹518.085, with a high of ₹529.002 and a low of ₹518.085.
  • Closing at ₹529.002, the stock exhibited a positive change of 2.06%.
  • August 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹528.424, with a high of ₹534.027 and a low of ₹528.424.
  • Closing at ₹534.636, the stock saw a positive change of 1.05%.
  • September 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹535.360, peaking at ₹546.037 and bottoming at ₹535.360.
  • Closing at ₹546.037, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.96%.
  • October 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹546.177, reaching a high of ₹554.768 and a low of ₹546.011.
  • Closing at ₹555.444, the stock showed a positive change of 1.55%.
  • November 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹555.669, reaching a high of ₹560.345 and a low of ₹555.669.
  • Closing at ₹560.918, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.83%.
  • December 2025:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹561.724, with a high of ₹569.385 and a low of ₹561.724.
  • Closing at ₹569.385, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.35%.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2026

January 2026₹570.033₹582.134₹569.456₹582.9542.08% ▲
February 2026₹582.525₹582.036₹581.913₹583.162-0.08%▼
March 2026₹582.062₹581.096₹578.708₹582.377-0.17%▼
April 2026₹581.351₹586.398₹581.351₹586.3980.86% ▲
May 2026₹585.558₹589.855₹585.558₹590.7390.73% ▲
June 2026₹590.248₹598.540₹590.248₹598.5401.39% ▲
July 2026₹598.773₹608.817₹598.760₹609.3731.65% ▲
August 2026₹610.072₹615.720₹610.072₹615.7200.92% ▲
September 2026₹616.528₹626.747₹616.528₹626.7471.63% ▲
October 2026₹627.289₹635.283₹626.573₹635.9381.26% ▲
November 2026₹636.249₹642.078₹636.249₹642.0780.91% ▲
December 2026₹642.893₹650.476₹642.893₹650.4761.17% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2026(Summary)

  • January 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹570.033, reaching a high of ₹582.134 and a low of ₹569.456.
  • Closing at ₹582.954, the stock showed a positive change of 2.08%.
  • February 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹582.525, with a high of ₹582.036 and a low of ₹581.913.
  • Closing at ₹583.162, the stock experienced a slight decrease of -0.08%.
  • March 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹582.062, with a high of ₹581.096 and a low of ₹578.708.
  • Closing at ₹582.377, the stock saw a decrease of -0.17%.
  • April 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹581.351, reaching a high of ₹586.398 and a low of ₹581.351.
  • Closing at ₹586.398, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.86%.
  • May 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹585.558, peaking at ₹589.855 and bottoming at ₹585.558.
  • Closing at ₹590.739, the stock showed a positive change of 0.73%.
  • June 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹590.248, reaching a high of ₹598.540 and a low of ₹590.248.
  • Closing at ₹598.540, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.39%.
  • July 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹598.773, with a high of ₹608.817 and a low of ₹598.760.
  • Closing at ₹609.373, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.65%.
  • August 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹610.072, reaching a high of ₹615.720 and a low of ₹610.072.
  • Closing at ₹615.720, the stock saw a positive change of 0.92%.
  • September 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹616.528, with a high of ₹626.747 and a low of ₹616.528.
  • Closing at ₹626.747, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.63%.
  • October 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹627.289, peaking at ₹635.283 and bottoming at ₹626.573.
  • Closing at ₹635.938, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.26%.
  • November 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹636.249, reaching a high of ₹642.078 and a low of ₹636.249.
  • Closing at ₹642.078, the stock saw a positive change of 0.91%.
  • December 2026:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹642.893, with a high of ₹650.476 and a low of ₹642.893.
  • Closing at ₹650.476, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.17%.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2027

January 2027₹649.856₹662.826₹649.856₹663.6001.96% ▲
February 2027₹663.329₹662.911₹662.776₹664.036-0.06%▼
March 2027₹663.011₹661.780₹659.626₹663.369-0.19%▼
April 2027₹662.433₹666.284₹661.840₹667.1450.58% ▲
May 2027₹666.839₹671.017₹666.839₹671.5130.62% ▲
June 2027₹671.500₹679.226₹671.048₹679.2261.14% ▲
July 2027₹679.863₹689.183₹679.232₹689.7191.35% ▲
August 2027₹690.508₹696.895₹690.508₹696.8950.92% ▲
September 2027₹697.195₹707.858₹697.195₹707.8581.51% ▲
October 2027₹707.141₹715.772₹707.141₹716.4071.21% ▲
November 2027₹716.803₹723.249₹716.803₹723.2490.89% ▲
December 2027₹723.560₹730.309₹723.560₹730.9690.92% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2026 (Summary)

  • January 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹649.856, reaching a high of ₹662.826 and a low of ₹649.856.
  • Closing at ₹663.600, the stock showed a positive change of 1.96%.
  • February 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹663.329, with a high of ₹662.911 and a low of ₹662.776.
  • Closing at ₹664.036, the stock experienced a slight decrease of -0.06%.
  • March 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹663.011, with a high of ₹661.780 and a low of ₹659.626.
  • Closing at ₹663.369, the stock saw a decrease of -0.19%.
  • April 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹662.433, reaching a high of ₹666.284 and a low of ₹661.840.
  • Closing at ₹667.145, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.58%.
  • May 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹666.839, peaking at ₹671.017 and bottoming at ₹666.839.
  • Closing at ₹671.513, the stock showed a positive change of 0.62%.
  • June 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹671.500, reaching a high of ₹679.226 and a low of ₹671.048.
  • Closing at ₹679.226, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.14%.
  • July 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹679.863, with a high of ₹689.183 and a low of ₹679.232.
  • Closing at ₹689.719, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.35%.
  • August 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹690.508, reaching a high of ₹696.895 and a low of ₹690.508.
  • Closing at ₹696.895, the stock saw a positive change of 0.92%.
  • September 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹697.195, with a high of ₹707.858 and a low of ₹697.195.
  • Closing at ₹707.858, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.51%.
  • October 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹707.141, peaking at ₹715.772 and bottoming at ₹707.141.
  • Closing at ₹716.407, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.21%.
  • November 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹716.803, reaching a high of ₹723.249 and a low of ₹716.803.
  • Closing at ₹723.249, the stock saw a positive change of 0.89%.
  • December 2027:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹723.560, with a high of ₹730.309 and a low of ₹723.560.
  • Closing at ₹730.969, the stock experienced a positive change of 0.92%.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2028

January 2028₹731.561₹744.092₹731.561₹744.1861.68% ▲
February 2028₹744.585₹744.296₹743.607₹744.886-0.04%▼
March 2028₹744.140₹742.256₹740.566₹744.365-0.25%▼
April 2028₹743.528₹747.036₹743.528₹747.9160.47% ▲
May 2028₹747.525₹752.249₹747.525₹752.2770.63% ▲
June 2028₹752.638₹759.692₹751.777₹760.3120.93% ▲
July 2028₹760.818₹770.913₹760.818₹770.9131.31% ▲
August 2028₹771.691₹778.265₹771.691₹778.2650.84% ▲
September 2028₹777.722₹787.711₹777.722₹788.4271.27% ▲
October 2028₹788.597₹798.010₹788.597₹798.0101.18% ▲
November 2028₹798.169₹804.628₹797.981₹804.6280.8% ▲
December 2028₹804.086₹810.812₹804.086₹811.5090.83% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2028(Summary)

  • January 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹731.561, reaching a high of ₹744.092 and a low of ₹731.561.
  • Closing at ₹744.186, the stock showed a positive change of 1.68%.
  • February 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹744.585, with a high of ₹744.296 and a low of ₹743.607.
  • Closing at ₹744.886, the stock experienced a slight decrease of -0.04%.
  • March 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹744.140, with a high of ₹742.256 and a low of ₹740.566.
  • Closing at ₹744.365, the stock saw a decrease of -0.25%.
  • April 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹743.528, reaching a high of ₹747.036 and a low of ₹743.528.
  • Closing at ₹747.916, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.47%.
  • May 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹747.525, peaking at ₹752.249 and bottoming at ₹747.525.
  • Closing at ₹752.277, the stock showed a positive change of 0.63%.
  • June 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹752.638, reaching a high of ₹759.692 and a low of ₹751.777.
  • Closing at ₹760.312, the stock experienced a positive change of 0.93%.
  • July 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹760.818, with a high of ₹770.913 and a low of ₹760.818.
  • Closing at ₹770.913, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.31%.
  • August 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹771.691, reaching a high of ₹778.265 and a low of ₹771.691.
  • Closing at ₹778.265, the stock saw a positive change of 0.84%.
  • September 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹777.722, with a high of ₹787.711 and a low of ₹777.722.
  • Closing at ₹788.427, the stock experienced a positive change of 1.27%.
  • October 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price started at ₹788.597, peaking at ₹798.010 and bottoming at ₹788.597.
  • Closing at ₹798.010, the stock exhibited a positive change of 1.18%.
  • November 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹798.169, reaching a high of ₹804.628 and a low of ₹797.981.
  • Closing at ₹804.628, the stock saw a positive change of 0.8%.
  • December 2028:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹804.086, with a high of ₹810.812 and a low of ₹804.086.
  • Closing at ₹811.509, the stock experienced a positive change of 0.83%.

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2029

January 2029₹811.939₹825.335₹811.939₹825.3381.62% ▲
February 2029₹825.705₹825.076₹824.419₹825.705-0.08%▼
March 2029₹825.328₹822.695₹821.272₹825.328-0.32%▼
April 2029₹823.927₹825.070₹823.927₹825.6610.14% ▲

Jk Tyres Share Price Target 2026 (Summary)

  • January 2029:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹811.939, reaching a high of ₹825.335 and a low of ₹811.939.
  • JK TYRES SHARE Closing at ₹825.338, the stock showed a positive change of 1.62%.
  • February 2029:
  • JK Tyres share price commenced at ₹825.705, with a high of ₹825.076 and a low of ₹824.419.
  • Jk Tyre Share Price Closing at ₹825.705, the stock experienced a slight decrease of -0.08%.
  • March 2029:
  • JK Tyres share price began at ₹825.328, with a high of ₹822.695 and a low of ₹821.272.
  • Closing price of Jk Tyres Share Price at ₹825.328, the stock saw a decrease of -0.32%.
  • April 2029:
  • JK Tyres share price opened at ₹823.927, reaching a high of ₹825.070 and a low of ₹823.927.
  • Closing at ₹825.661, the stock exhibited a positive change of 0.14%.

JK Tyres Share Price Target 2025

JK Tyres share price Target 2025 opened at ₹488.953, reaching a high of ₹501.390

What is the JK Tyres Share Price Target 2024

JK Tyres share price target 2024 opened at ₹424.539, hitting a high of ₹428.305 and a low of ₹424.191.


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